Planning & Preparation:
Number of Matches: 10
AdmissionsCheckup.Com - Professional college admission consultancy company. We connect your application with experienced former admissions offers at top schools. Address: 73 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton, Connecticut, United States, 06897 | Tel: 203-762-6500 |
College Consulting Services - Describes college search, application completion, essay editing and other services provided to college-bound high school students in the Westboro MA and Brunswick MD areas. Includes links to many college sites and newsletter articles on many college-search-related topics. Address: N/A | Tel: N/A |
College Stats - Providing persons with the data they need to start or finish their college search, utilizing a variety of important statistics about higher education. Address: N/A | Tel: N/A |
Educational Advocates College Consulting Corp. - College admissions consultancy located in Boston that specializes in college admissions advising for transfers and high school students. Our organization works with students applying to educational institutions at any level of selectivity. We have expertise working with prospective student athletes, visual artists and musicians, and students with learning differences, and health issues. Address: N/A | Tel: N/A |
Ivy Bound SAT Test Prep - Resources for SAT test prep including schedule and fees for SAT test prep private and semi-private tutoring and classes, info on free SAT prep seminars for parents, many articles on SAT / PSAT background. Address: N/A | Tel: N/A |
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