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 Skaffe Regional Directory > Society & Culture > Religion > Organizations

Organizations: Number of Matches: 5

Renaissance Unity - Streaming audio and video services from a variety of spiritual speakers. Spiritual books and music available.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Augustinians of the Midwest (O.S.A.) - A Roman Catholic community of religious men seeking to be united in mind and heart intent upon God.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

North American Telugu Association - Located in New Jersey, It is the largest organization in North America and it is founded in the year 2013. NATA is a big association for all telugu peoples who are living in North America.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart - The Oblate Sisters offer teaching, directing religious education, hospital visitation and distribution of the Eucharist to the homebound.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Youthworks - Information on week-long, Christ-centered, life-changing Christian youth mission trips.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

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