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 Skaffe Regional Directory > Society & Culture > Religion > Faiths & Practices > Christianity

Christianity: Number of Matches: 3

Hondo Carpenter Ministries - Non-profit corporation based in Michigan that provides daily Christian devotions, prayer requests, a blog, and a bookstore to customers globally.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Celebrate Communion - Online Communion supply company located in Olympia, WA, USA. Specialty products include prefilled Communion cups with wafers, a prepackaged communion cup and wafer set in easy open, single serve containers that require no refrigeration and have a 6 month shelf life. Gluten free Communion wafers are also a specialty for church members with allergies.
Address: 1247 85th Ave SE, Olympia, WA, USA, 11850 | Tel: 877-222-0771
URL: - Connecting individuals with ministries and life-giving ministry resources.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

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