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 Skaffe Regional Directory > Society & Culture > Religion > Theology

Theology: Number of Matches: 4 - Urges Christians to live consistent with the unity we already possess in Christ. Includes a unifying systematic theology.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Jesus Family Tomb - Website for movie on discovery channel. Archaeology, history, Bible and Davinci Code unite with new insight on Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Lawrence Hilliard - Philosophy/Theology - A teacher of theology, philosophy, ethics and politics for over 30 years, the site provides essays and audio lectures.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Westminster Theological Seminary : Christian Apologetics - Traditionally on the forefront of Christian apologetics and instructing the next generation in this vital discipline.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

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