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 Skaffe Regional Directory > Government, Law & Politics > Law > Legal Specialties > Business & Corporate Law

Business & Corporate Law: Number of Matches: 5

Davidson and Co - Provides a range of legal services to assist corporate and private clients.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Law Office of Scott R. Herndon : California Sexual Harassment Attorney - If you believe that you have been the victim of sexual harassment in California, call today to arrange for a free consultation with the Law Office of Scott R. Herndon. We will evaluate your claim and advise you as to your options in a compassionate, courteous, and timely manner.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Watson Law, LLC : Marietta Lawyer - Our firm handles simple and complex matters pertaining to Small Businesses and Criminal Defense. We provide personalized legal service to each of our clients, specializing in cases of Business Law, Contract Law, Commercial Law, Criminal Law, Traffic Law, and DUI Defense. We keep in close contact with our clients, keeping each well advised throughout the representation. We would be happy to discuss your legal matter with you.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Farria Law Group - Litigation lawyers who proudly represent your individual, corporate, small business and investor needs.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

S Corporations Explained - Do-it-yourself Subchapter S corporation setup kits for US states, including step-by-step incorporation instructions, sample incorporation and tax forms, and sample by-laws and operating agreements.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

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