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 Skaffe Regional Directory > Business > B2B > Wholesale > Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts: Number of Matches: 5

CreateForLess - Offers a large variety of brand name wholesale craft supplies.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Desert Images Australia - Wholesale suppliers of art prints, greeting cards and postcards by Australian artists and photographers featuring nature, out back scenes and Australian aboriginal culture and art.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

GemMall - Offers wholesale jewelry crafting supplies and beads including 14k beads, sterling silver chains, pearl beads, pendants and yellow gold chains.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

MatShop - Offers products and services to fit the needs of artists, photographers, crafters, businesses and members of the public.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

Super Salt Lamps - Manufacturer of Himalayan salt crystal lamps, candle holders, salt crystals and gourmet salt sells to importers, wholesalers and retailers.
Address: N/A | Tel: N/A

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